I was back in Germany for a visit in September last year. As usual it was pretty nasty weather 🙂 It might sound weird, but sometimes i really miss the cloudy and rainy days. They are perfect for a day at home, drinking hot chocolate-sitting by the window and just watch the leafs falling. On days like that i like hearty meals.
This Pumkin Soup is something that i really like in fall.
You only need :
-Chilly , fresh or flakes or powder
-Veg Stock
– Salt & Pepper
Optional: Pumpkin Seeds and Pumkinseed Oil
And this is how i do it:
Dice onions, garlic and ginger. Add olive oil to a pot, followed by a pinch of salt and sweat all for 5 minutes . Then add coarsly diced apple to the pot and give it a stir from time to time. Sweat together with the onion ginger mix. Add fresh chopped chilli or chilli flakes if you want. Sweat for another 5 minutes.
You can now add a chopped Pumkin. It is your choice if you wanna use a Butternut, Iron Pumkin,cinderella, Red Kuri or any other kind of pumpkin.
Stir in the pieces of pumpkin and after 5 minutes add veg stock. Cover the content of the pot with stock and bring to the boil.
When the Pumpkin gets soft( after 15-20 min) get a stab mixer and blend all to a soup.
Season with salt and pepper and taste-
if you miss garlic just squeeze in a clove. I usually miss Garlic.
If you like the taste, keep the soup warm and roast some Pumpkinseeds in a frying pan until they have some colour.
Serve the soup to a bowl and sprinkle the seeds on it, followed by a teaspoon heavy cream and a drizzle of Pumpkinseed Oil. Chopped freshparsley is always nice for colour and flavour 🙂 Enjoy!!